Western Visayas on Friday, Aug. 16, logged 31 additional local cases of the highly contagious Delta variant.

These brought the total number of COVID-19 Delta variant (B.1.617.2) cases in the region to 36.

Of the 31 newly detected cases, 19 were from the province of Antique, two from Capiz, three from Iloilo City, and seven from Iloilo province.

According to the Department of Health (DOH-6) these are part of the 99 samples submitted to the Philippine Genome Center (PGC) in Manila for genome sequencing last July 23, 2021.

Meanwhile, the regional office is verifying two additional returning overseas Filipino (ROFs) who were found positive of the Delta variant and with indicative address in the region.

Adriano Suba-an, DOH-6 regional director, said concerned local government units (LGUs) have been informed relative to this development.

“Coordination is being conducted to complete the case profile of these identified local cases including their current health status. Contact tracing and back tracking will also be conducted,” he said.

Aside from the Delta variant, the region also recorded 36 additional cases of the Alpha variant, 20 Beta variant cases, and five P.3 variant cases.

The DOH-6 reiterated its call on all LGUs to continue strengthening their Prevent-Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate (PDITR) strategy to keep case numbers down, and conduct case finding, among other measures.

LGUs were also told to make sure that their respective Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERTs) are on full alert.IMT