Police Brigadier General Leo M. Francisco, Police Regional Office (PRO-6) regional director, said “as a good soldier” he will heed the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) call.

On Wednesday morning, Jan. 4, DILG Secretary Benhur Abalos appealed to all full-fledged police colonels and generals to submit courtesy resignations.

“After conducting months of thorough study in connection with this problem, it appears that there is a big problem in the police. It appears that there are generals, there are colonels who are involved in illegal drugs,” Abalos said in a press briefing.

The call, according Francisco, will give them chance to clear their names and to make a statement that they are supporting the programs and the transformation of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

“Wala naman tayong dapat katakutan, lalabas at lalabas ang katotohanan. Let us trust the process of investigating who the rouge cops are,” he said.

Meanwhile, Abalos explained that the move was recommended by “PNP Chief General Rodolfo Azurin, Jr and some ranking officials.”IMT