There was less crime incidents in Western Visayas during the quarantine restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic that have been in effect for a year now, according to a press report from the Police Regional Office (PRO-6).

Figures in the press report showed that total crime incidents in the region from March 16, 2020 to March 15, 2021 totaled 19,295 or 33.23 percent lower than the 28,900 incidents recorded during a similar preceding period.

The data were taken from the Crime Incidents Recording and Analysis System of the Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division of Police Regional Office 6.

Iloilo City Police Office was the greatest contributor in the decrease in crime volume having recorded a 40.61 percent decrease from 9,959 to 4,045 or a decrease equivalent to 40.61 percent, according to the report.

Focus Crimes (murder, homicide, physical injury, rape, robbery, theft, carnapping and motornapping) also recorded a reduction in number by 1,358 or 34.73 percent from 3,896 to 2,542.

By percentage, among the focus crimes, carnapping of motor vehicles registered the highest decrease of 66.66 percent from six cases to only two, followed by Carnapping of motorcycles which decreased by 62.68 percent from 134 cases to only 50. Robbery landed at third with 54.27 percent decrease or from 479 cases to only 219. Theft follows with 51.63 percent decrease from 980 to only 474 while physical injury dropped from 1,017 to only 662 or a 34.9 percent decrease. Homicide also decreased by 20.22 percent from 178 cases to 142 and rape with 16.61 percent decrease from 650 to 542. Meanwhile, murder cases were pegged at 451 for both periods.

The implementation of quarantine restrictions coupled with the continuous crime prevention efforts of PRO 6 in coordination with the stakeholders paved the way for the decrease in the number of crime incidents.

Checkpoints and manning of quarantine control points at the height of the pandemic in coordination with the barangays were also considered as one of the factors in the continuous decrease of crime incidents for the year.

Other law enforcement operations such as the campaign against illegal drugs, loose firearms and wanted persons are also recognized as contributors in the decrease of crimes.

With the lifting of some quarantine restrictions and the roll-out of the vaccines, it is expected that crimes will increase however, with the continuous Enhanced Managing Police Operations—the PNP’s anti-crime strategy, the first two months of 2021 still recorded a significant decrease in the number of crime incidents.

Enhanced Managing Police operations is a tool for the commanders to prevent crimes in their areas. The deployment of personnel and resources depends on the analysis of crime incidents occurring in the jurisdiction of every police station or unit.

PRO 6 appeals to the general public to cooperate with the PNP’s crime prevention efforts and encourage them to report presence of unscrupulous individuals in their communities.

“Peace and order is not solely the PNP’s responsibility. It is our shared responsibility,” said PRO 6 Director, Brigadier General Rolando F Miranda.

“You must cooperate with our efforts to maintain the peace and order in our region,” Miranda added.Police Lt. Col. Joem J. Malong, PRO6 RPIO/PIA6