2023 is the second year past the COVID-19 pandemic and people are beginning to seize every opportunity to return to their normal lives. As it was in the last few days of 2022, one may have observed how excited the people were in preparing for Christmas and the New Year. Once again, bigger gatherings and family get-together were allowed, the malls were loaded and traffic was often in a standstill.

While the pandemic may have withered, in the agriculture side Iloilo is facing not just a challenge but a severe problem in the face of both the African Swine Fever (ASF) affecting the hog industry and the bird flu that has already affected the province of Capiz and creating uncertainty in the poultry industry.

The promise of every new year is yet another beginning. It may sound repetitive but everybody is holding on to it with and in the hope of having far better days ahead despite the uncertainties of what lies ahead.

It is along this line that IMT News would like to convey its optimism that with the resilience the Ilonggos have shown amidst the daily struggles and challenges in the past, 2023 is an opportunity for everyone to recover and bounce back.

We do not see it as a walk in the park or a done deal. However, coupled with prayers and hard work we are more than positive that we will get past through every hurdle that will come along the way.

We are looking forward to seeing new micro and small businesses that could help boost the economic capabilities of individuals and the community where they belong. We are hoping to see new and innovative players in the tourism industry. And we are excited to see new and young farmers who will venture into farming instead of pushing themselves into the urban areas and just trying their luck to find a better job.

Welcome, 2023! The journey continues.