The commonly called Crown monument at Villa plaza has been declared an Important Cultural Property (ICP).

ICP refers to a cultural property having exceptional cultural, artistic and historical significance to the Philippines as determined by National Museum (NM).

NM Director Jeremy R. Barns wrote Mayor Jerry P. Treñas relative to such declaration.

Barns said they will coordinate consequent ceremony that may be held in honor of the historic heritage site.

“The Monument to Isabel II, and its setting pertaining to the surrounding plaza in Arevalo, Iloilo City, as an Important Cultural Property, was among presumed cultural properties approved by the panel and affirmed by the director for issuance of an official Museum Declaration,” Barns stated.

The crown was dedicated to Spanish Queen Isabella II by the women of Villa as the inscription reads.

By virtue of a royal decree, she also opened the Iloilo Port to world trade exporting mainly sugar to America, Australia and Europe on September 29, 1855.

Barns noted the list of presumed cultural properties was proposed and considered for designation as an ICP by a panel of experts duly convened June 27.

The purpose is in line with the pertinent provisions of Presidential Decree No. 374 or Cultural Properties Preservation and Protection Act and Republic Act No. 10066 or National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009.Iloilo City PIO

PHOTO CREDITS: Hawili Hurom 20130208