Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treňas has ordered the conduct of random drug testing among City Hall job hires and employees under contracts of services (COS).

Based on Executive Order (EO) No. 05-2023, the move was recommended by the Iloilo City Government Drug-free Workplace Committee.

Treňas tasked the Uswag Molecular Laboratory to undertake the random drug testing, which aims to “reinforce the drug-free work place in the city government.”

“Whereas, for its part, Iloilo City has adopted various programs and activities also design to eliminate drug related problem throughout the city and it has been consistently pursuing a drug-free workplace policy not only within the city hall premises but including its field departments and officers, and its 180 barangays,” the EO read.

All results of the drug test, according to the EO, “shall remain strictly confidential and shall abide the Data Privacy Act of 2012.”

Anyone who will breach the confidentiality of any drug test result “shall be charged in accordance with the corresponding penalties.”

Meanwhile, those who will be found positive for use of dangerous drugs “shall be subjected to necessary disciplinary/ administrative proceedings, including but not limited to, termination of contract, and those provided for by law.”

“Non-submission to the authorized drug testing may be dealt administratively and shall be a ground for workplace misconduct or a violation of the terms and conditions for the continuity of service, whichever is applicable.

Failure to do so shall also be a ground for termination or administrative sanctions,” the EO stated.IMT