Mayor Jerry  Treñas has revoked his earlier executive order (EO) declaring Bacolod City Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran persona non grata in Iloilo City.

Familiaran was tagged by Treñas as “undesirable and unwelcome” last month due to the “uncoordinated transfer” of 80 Badjaos from Bacolod.

“Bacolod City Mayor Alfredo Benitez and Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran both apologized for the mix-up in the arrival of 80 Badjaos,” the mayor said in EO No. 088.

“It was later disclosed that certain lapses on the lack of coordination with the Iloilo City government were not solely attributable to Vice Mayor Familiaran,” he added.

The Badjaos, according to a report by the Philippine News Agency, traveled on June 21 from Bredco port in Bacolod on board a roll-on, roll-off vessel bound for the port of Dumangas, Iloilo.

“They were sent off by personnel of the Department of Social Services and Development and officials of various barangays here back home to Mindanao via Panay Island, but it turned out they proceeded to Iloilo City and stayed there instead,” the report said.IMT