Mayor Jerry P. Treñas has called for cooperation to keep the celebration of this year’s Dinagyang Festival free from trash.

“As we enjoy the festivity, let us not forget to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of our city,” Treñas said during the opening salvo of the 52nd edition of Dinagyang on Friday, Jan. 10.

“Do not throw your trash anywhere. Do not leave your garbage along the streets. Kindly observe cleanliness and orderliness at all times,” he stressed.

The mayor reminded the public that the city has existing ordinances that prohibits littering and vandalizing, among others.

“Our city has stiff penalties for environmental violations. Those who will be caught littering and destroying plants will be dealt with accordingly,” said Treñas.

“Together, let us ensure that our celebration of Dinagyang will be trash-free,” he added.

The festival’s grand highlight is set on Jan. 26.IMT

Photo by Arnold Almacen/CMO