Mayor Jerry Treñas on Tuesday, Dec. 10, apologized to the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) community for his “mag-inagi” remark.

“I express my utmost apology to the LGBTQ and to everyone who were slighted by my statement,” said Treñas.

“In my passion to protect people’s interest against this power struggle that continues to affect Ilonggos, I have been insensitive in my choice of words that seemingly discriminated the LGBTQ,” he added.

Yesterday, Dec. 9, the mayor was asked by reporters for his reaction to the ongoing legal battle between Panay Electric Company (PECO) and MORE Electric and Power Corp. (MORE Power).

Treñas urged courts to resolve the cases filed by the two power firms. 

“Indi pwede nga ang korte mag-inagi they will have to decide one way or another. I am already exasperated with some courts here. It’s about time that they make a decision one way or the other. Ang bilog nga siyudad apektado tapos gainagi pa ang korte. They have to take a side,” he said.

Treñas drew flak from members of the LGBTQ community.

According to the mayor, it was not his intention to offend members of the LGBTQ community.

“They are in fact given due recognition and acceptance in our city.We have an LGBTQ Office in City Hall, and we have been highly supportive of their activities,” said Treñas.

“Rest assured that I and the City Government always have the best interest of the LGBTQ community at heart,” he added.IMT