We live in a world where we are surrounded by this so called “social norm”, and how, we humans react and adapt to this, and how we perceive these things around us greatly affects our behaviour and our way of living in a certain society or place.

Talking about one’s behaviour requires a deeper study and knowledge of human psychology for us to understand why and how people acted that way. But as we look around, we can clearly see the real scenario, and what’s really happening around us. Yes we can see it, we can feel it, and most of us suffer the disease that rooted from the different aspect of our life and attacks people of all ages. A disease, in which the cure, is the root itself. A psychological disease which we called “DEPPRESSION”.

“The World Health Orgnization (WHO) have numbered almost 300 million cases of depression globally in which most of these led to death and statistically, most of the victim’s age are in 20’s. A study of Global Burden Disease in 2015 shows that 3.3 million Filipinos suffer depression with suicidal rate of 2.5 males and 1.7 females per 100, 000 Filipinos according to the National Centre Mental Health”.  This number keeps on increasing yearly and it has become an alarming issue that caught the attention of the government and brought threat world widely.

Philippines, known as one of the cheerful and delighted country is still one who has the highest number of depression cases. The victims have suffered so much not just psychologically, but almost all aspects of their life were greatly affected even their family, friends and love ones. They suffered terribly thinking how things ended that way and how they contributed to that miserable and tragic end of the victims. But how things started before everything became mess and ended someone’s life remains unresolved.

We are all vulnerable to this. So all of us need an understanding of its roots and its cure. Most of the victims portray an attitude of being loner, extreme stress, unable to comprehend and talk to. Some affected creates an illusion or a world of their own where they can be whatever they wanted to be. While some publicly expresses a feeling of distress and discomfort. Victims who suffered from this are affected by these possible factors:

Family orientations – this factor has great effect to someone’s behaviour as we all grow up with our family members regardless of they are biological or our foster family. Also, regardless of the family status, most victims were affected by how their own family member treated them. Especially when comparison arises between or among member. Some families with broken relationships will most likely to create a feeling of being rejected and deprived. Children see their parents’ actions and hear them. When children see parents always quarrel, it becomes a disastrous memory which they bring as they grow up. Some grow up to be like their parents while others stop maturing because they were deprived of a happy family and remain to be bitter and miserable in life. Also, family expectations and demands can bring pressures and causes someone to be caught between personal needs and family needs.

Social and Economic Pressure – The need to meet the demand of the society in order to survive becomes a stressor to someone who feels being left behind. Depression may also be rooted from the kind of community we belong or in a group we are affiliated with. Our lifestyle may be far different from others so we tend to adjust our self and even change our perspective in life. We may feel uneasy while trying to fit ourselves in the society. Certain factors such as: working just to compensate with the demand and high cost of living in a certain place. Unfortunately, not all people are given the opportunity of earning high salary, while others are incapable to earn a living which results to anxiety which leads to depression and worst –suicidal.

Relationship Status – sometimes, we seek happiness through having relationship with other people. – Family, friends or with opposite sex. To love, and to be loved, to be appreciated, and to have an intimate relationship with other people is such a great feeling and a great experience for us to have. Normally, humans are created to create relationship with other people and to enjoy what God has planned for us. But in the process, we humans become so vulnerable and emotional. And because of individual differences, we experience being hurt, rejected, and sometimes, fall into false hope. Our emotions and feelings become so unreliable which causes misunderstanding, quarrel and end up into failed relationships. There are many cases of depression which caused by failed relationship. Some victims because they long for someone –friends, family or love ones become depressed of looking for someone or something to fulfil the sadness they feel. Other’s grieve for the loss of their love ones and end up their life because of sorrow. Some victims who were left and rejected by others confine their self and they create a happy world within their mind thus, replacing the real world and scenario around them.

Low Self Esteem and Contentment – Depression sometimes arises on how you see yourself. If we look our self through the mirror, what we see is only the reflection of our physical appearance / self. Our self-worth can be determined on how we perceive our self and how we see our potentials. Sadly, there are people who see their self as failure and disappointments due to their own wrongdoings, physical differences, and their incapability. When we look around, we cannot help but compare our self and our situation to other people. Their achievements, positions, wealth, power, status, and relationships compared to yours. Because of that, you see them as a bigger and better version of yourself. And trying to become like them and to achieve what they have becomes your life goals and purpose. So how does it lead to depression? It’s when you fail to become like them. And you reject yourself for being a failure. Other people get depressed because of their failed dreams.

Bullying –One of the major causes of depression can be in a form of psychological, mental and sometimes physical abuse that has become rampant issue now most especially in schools and even in work places. Bullying arises due to personality differences, race, religions, physical appearance and many more. If we dig deeper on the psychology of bullying, we will learn that those people who bully are those who require much attention, care and treatment. Their motives can be self-gratification or a self-defence due to the feeling of insecurities, lack of attention and orientation, and sometimes threatened by the presence of others so they tend to get rid anyone and anything that might hinder and surpass them. The victims of bullying who are judged, rejected and mistreated become the prey who keep on running and hiding from the mischief. As discussed above, Low self – esteem and contentment can be reasons while there are bullied people. But regardless of who the bully and who the victim is, still both suffer the aftermath.

Trauma / Life’s Experience – there are cases not just in our country wherein people become depressed and sometimes commit suicide due to disturbing or life threatening experience they have encountered which still haunt them in the present. There are still victims who still suffer nightmares which greatly affect their mental, emotional and physical state especially those who are victims of any kind of abuse. Other common case is common to mothers who just gave birth due to extreme child delivery process, in which they experience what we called “postpartum” depression. Wherein, they suffer anxiety, mood swings, fear and difficulty in sleeping. This complication of giving birth may be common to mothers but not all survived this stage due to some factors that triggered and worsen the effects of depression in which possibly be – financial status, health status, relationship status, etc.

These are just some common reasons of depression. There are still other factors which we need to know and learn for us to understand and prevent the wide spread of depression. Anyone can be the victim, and anyone can be the cure. A simple gesture or a simple act of care can save someone’s life if only given attention and some of our time and effort. We may not know who are these people suffering from depression but we can spread awareness to all people. Let’s not ignore the signs. If you know someone suffer from this, don’t waste time. They badly needed treatment – and you. Knowing our weakness and strength will help us know our self-worth and capabilities, if we cannot change the things around us, let us change how we deal with these things and people. If people mistreated us because of their insecurities, learn to stand up and fight for your right, speak! Love yourself. Accept the present and forget the past, surrender all your worries, fear and burdens to God. Acceptance, understanding, Love, Respect, Moving On and Most of all Prayer and a relationship with God, we can fight depression within us.

We have given a gift of life. It is not for us to end it. We’ll never know what awaits us in the future. Ending your life now doesn’t end everything but rather, it will leave a tragic memory for your love ones and people around you. And you, after you commit that, where would you be after life on earth?


Gaudencio L.Vega National High School
