What was the great sacrifice you ever did? For someone? For yourself? At this most fitting time to be reflective and to honor the greatest sacrifice giver of all time, Jesus Christ, I believe it is most interesting to talk about it. Because you see, there are a lot of ways to sacrifice and for whom we do it. Now, to ask everyone to be Christ-like and grand in their sacrifices may be asking a lot but for me any form of sacrifice that comes from the heart and is done with the purest of intentions is a good way of atonement. What kind of sacrifices are there really?

Breadwinner. One of the most noble sacrifices for love ones is to take up the responsibility of ensuring that other have better lives, more so family members. You give ụp personal wants and maybe dreams so they may achieve their own. I know of an admirable woman who didn’t finish her education and worked abroad as a househelp so she may help in the education of her siblings, one a nurse the other a teacher. She wanted to be a teacher herself but had to give up her dreams to work abroad.

Service. To work in service for others is another admirable form of sacrifice. In this aspect I highly admire the police force and the soldiers who wouldn’t think twice to offer their lives for the welfare of their community. Time apart from their family just to serve and to protect is an expensive form of giving one’s self. It means not seeing important moments in their private lives and not being present when they are needed by their love ones.

Those people in the medical field have another level of commitment that is truly admirable. To sacrifice time, effort and money to save a life or to ensure that life continues living is not for everyone. It takes an extra amount of strength and grit to be able to do this. I know of a doctor who has given up yearly international vacations with family because of her commitment to heal. (And maybe to be healed as well?)

Justice. Not all apples are rotten. Infamous as some members may be, the legal system of our country still teems of admirable members who will NOT sacrifice their honor and credibility for monetary considerations but will sacrifice financial gains to right the wrongs. I have such high regard for these sacrifice-givers since temptation is almost on a daily basis and “offers” abound but they choose to take the high road and sometimes even give up their safety and privacy when doing their jobs. There is a judge in the community who still drives an old car model and who is famous for dishing out sound and fair judgment to cases under his sala. I can just imagine the sacrifices he made to be that admired.

Truth. Truth-seekers are just in a different level up there. They are willing to sacrifice everything except their principles in search of truth. I am reminded of credible media practitioners globally who are equestrian-focused when it comes to uncovering the truth. Like justice-seekers they will give up time,family and safety for the love of principles that will bring great benefit to their community.   These intelligent (backed-up by a well-researched data) full of integrity journalists are God’s gift to society,really. They keep powerful and sometimes abusive kinds in check and most importantly, they sacrifice to defend the powerless.

Love. All those who sacrifice most often come from a place of love. A love of one’s self, family members, the community and God. But what comes to mind is really the religious sector who sacrifice almost everything and everyone (celibacy) to serve God. From the moment they enter that state, worldly possessions, personal wants and desires, other people important to their lives are sacrificed. And as we reach out to them when we need spiritual help and guidance, sometimes they go into fasting for us. Such selflessness is truly notable.

And the greatest love and sacrifice-givers of all: mothers. Women who undergo hormonal alterations for 9 months to carry another human being, who endure any pain, change of body shape, allergies and stuff against their will and who will ensure that person grows up a worthy individual.

Some of us may belong in the sectors mentioned above and some of us may be recipients of these admirable sacrifice-givers. May we never forget the glory that comes from sacrificing for those we love.