The return of Ilonggos stranded in Manila has been suspended because of the increasing number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases involving locally stranded individuals (LSIs).

Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. said on Friday, June 26, the suspension was ordered by the national government.

LSIs, according to Defensor, need to first get negative results of their reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests before they can be allowed to travel back to Iloilo.

The governor appealed to the returnees and their families for “understanding and cooperation.”

“What we want is for you to go home and be with your families but we are taking precautions because of COVID-19,” Defensor explained.

The governor said only OFWs identified by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) will be allowed to enter the province.

The implementation of Defensor’s executive order that allows limited flights at the Iloilo International Airport will also be temporarily stopped.

The EO permits the entry of 1,500 inbound LSIs and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) weekly via the airport in Cabatuan town.

The province and city of Iloilo, based on the latest data from the Department of Health (DOH-6), has recorded 50 cases of COVID-19 involving LSIs and OFWs. IMT

Photo by OWWA-6