The House Committee on Constitutional Amendments will conduct a public consultation on constitutional reforms on Monday, Feb. 13, in Iloilo City.

The event, which will be held at the Iloilo Convention Center in Mandurriao district from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, intends to gather insights of the public on the necessity to amend or revise the Constitution.

It further aims to determine the public’s sentiment on issues such as the preferred mode of amendment and proposed amendments to the Constitution, if there are any.

The consultation in the city is part of the series of public consultations nationwide on the pertinent measures referred to the Committee chaired by Representative Rufus Rodriguez of Cagayan de Oro City on the issues.

These measures include House Bill (HB) 4926, HB 6920, HB 6805, HB 6698, HB 4421 and Resolution of Both Houses 1,2,3,4,5 and 12 which may be accessed through– as-filed.JBG/laf/PIA6-Iloilo