China is apparently winning the propaganda war at the West Philippine Sea. One thing is certain though, as they have all the resources and maritime capability, they are one and united in making their claim. Unlike us, we may have the United Nations Tribunal ruling on our side but our leaders have different views and have been taking vague and opposing stands on the territorial dispute.

The late President Noynoy Aquino may have submitted its claim on the disputed islands at the international court and won but former president Rodrigo Duterte chose an opposite approach even to the point of licking the butts of the Chinese. Duterte praised Chinese President Xi Jin Ping and eventually allowed the POGOs to settle in the country while negotiating that Filipino fisherfolks on the Kalayaan Islands be allowed by China to fish peacefully as if conceding its claim to China. His reason is simple he can’t afford to go to war against China.

However, Malaysia and Vietnam who also claim a portion of the disputed area were never bullied by China and the latter did not go to war against them when they started apprehending Chinese militias attempting to establish a post on the area they are claiming. They chose not to be bullied.

Comes now the presidency of Bongbong Marcos. He made an ambiguous stand that he will not surrender the West Philippine Sea to China. China then intensified its claim by harrashing Filipino maritime forces and fishermen with water canons. It has been blocking practically the Kalayaan Group of Islands with its naval properties and militia boats.

Then just now it released its 2023 updated map where it practically enclosed Taiwan and the whole West Philippine Sea. The Philippine government through the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) can only manage to threaten the filing of a diplomatic protest. Period.

Such acts may be considered an aggression but it does not necessarily constitute an act of war. China is simply acting like a spoiled brat wanting to win an argument by merely declaring ownership to just anything it sees and threatening anybody who attempts to contest it. The Philippines on one hand is the insecure sibling who just cries and do nothing. In the end, the spoiled brat will get its wish and want not because its right but simply because the other sibling did not stand for what it right.

The actions of China are merely posturing and propaganda. Surely it can afford to wage against us. But, can it afford the implications of such war? Meantime, the Philippines is merely crying and has done nothing to counter China’s posturing and propaganda war. Its only a matter of time before every body gets to hear and eventually believe the propaganda of China.