“Planting makes me breathe when I am drowning, pulls me up when challenges make me fall and sets my heart free from the impurities of this fast-changing world. My garden is my haven.”

An inspiring quote by Mila Grace Nemiz Sorial, a 36-year-old elementary teacher who loves planting succulents and cacti for almost three years already. 

Mila’s hobby started with one message from a former boardmate way back in 2018. “Mil, buligi ko bi baligya? Nami imo kay duro kaw ti kilala.” At first, she was hesistant because she’s not a “people person. “I am just a timid office girl who would just smile instead of starting a conversation. I do not have any background on business except for the fact that I sold ice candies when I was in Grade 3 and that I made crocheted hats and bags so that I can pay for the photocopies and projects in college,” she shared. 

A friend sent pictures of the plants to Mila. “When I see the greens and vibrant colors of the succulents, I immediately fell in love with it. I taught agriculture to elementary pupils before and I love gardening. My passion was planting vegetables but after seeing the beauty of these succulents, my mind went topsy-turvy.”

After falling in love with the indoor plants, she thought for a while and decided to give it a go. But she was not yet sure if what business she’s venturing to. “I hurriedly forwarded the pictures I received to my close friends, but I was in doubt if they would buy them. Before the day ended, I was able to list down 50 pots as orders from three customers. I also did some research on how to take care of them so that I can readily answer queries from my new found business allies. I also ordered for myself since I can’t get my eyes off of them,” Mila excitedly said. 

Half way, Mila’s business became stable as more orders came which meant more profit for her. There are times when she really look funny since she carried a shoulder bag, a laptop bag, a box of plants and another plastic of plants on the other hand. 

“Since I don’t have a car of my own, I usually ride on a PUJ and there are those who became interested upon seeing the beauty of my plants. Days and nights have passed and I became more obsessed. I would often spend late nights repotting and replanting my “babies” after sending my real babies to sleep. You see, I am a full-time employee, a mother of two (5 and 2 years old) but then I became a part-time businesswoman. The only time I have to take care of my succulents is from 10 p.m. onwards, (That is if I don’t have reports due to be submitted the next day).”

In the wee hours of the night, she also enjoyed mixing rice hull, carbonated rice hull, garden soil and pumice while other snore loudly in their beds. In the first few months, she’s contented on selling these potted plants, but one message popped out on her chat box and asked her if she can prepare souvenir plants for special occasions. “I did a little research on DIY succulent souvenirs and since I consider myself an artist by heart, I ventured on this business. A customer ordered 30 pieces of succulent souvenirs for her brother’s 60th birthday. I posted my finished product on Facebook and more messages and orders came my way,” she added. 

It has been two years but Mila’s hobby turned coins into bills, tears into smiles, simple into creative, and plain into vibrant. There are times when she wanted to give up because of too much workload and fatigue but this small business helped her a lot in her finances. 

“More orders mean milk and diaper for my babies. More profit means more savings. More customers mean more friendships. There are nights when I wasn’t able to close my eyes for 24 hours straight most especially if three events fell on the same date. After spending 8 hours in the office, another hour is spent for shopping, not of bags, shoes and wardrobe, but of paper wraps, ribbons, glue sticks, flowerets and pots. I don’t mind the callouses on my feet and backaches for carrying these heavy loads. What kept lingering on my mind is the satisfaction that my customers can get after taking hold of their lovely succulent souvenirs planted with fiery passion, and created and transformed with love.”

These made her kept moving forward and maybe chase the track she ought to follow aside from her profession. 

“I named my little garden JAX and JM’s Juicy Greens because of the two gems which serve as my inspiration. Thanks to my family who never ceases to support me in my little sideline but most of all, all praises and honor to our Lord God for giving me this wonderful gift,” she disclosed. 

The JAX and JM’s Juicy Greens is located in Brgy. Nanga, Guimbal, Iloilo. Those who want to order her vibrant succulents, you can contact her at 09298357427.