Ilonggos are satisfied with their sex life, a latest study revealed.

According to the 2019 PhilCare Welness Index, Ilonggos have the “best sex life” among Visayans and a “better one” compared to most other Filipinos.

“Of the 75 respondents, 46 indicated being sexually active,” the study said.

Iloilo scored 2.63, highest compared to scores posted by Bacolod (2.84), Cebu (3.11), Tagbilaran (3.02) and the rest of the country (2.74).

The study also showed that Ilonggos have more frequent sex compared to most Filipinos.

“They do it twice a week, more than the Visayas and nationwide average of at least once a week. Those in Bacolod and Tagbiliran also indicated having sex twice weekly.”

A total of 1, 350 respondents from 22 key cities and towns nationwide aged 18-90 participated in the study commissioned by PhilCare, a health maintenance organization (HMO).

Of the 300 respondents from the Visayas, 75 are Ilonggos.

The respondents were asked to rate themselves from a seven-point scale, with the score of one as “very good”, two as “good”, three as “somewhat good”, four is “neither good or bad”, five as “somewhat bad”, six as “bad” and seven as “very bad”.

Apart from the self-evaluations of physical, nutritional, medical, psychological, lifestyle, and financial well-being, the study also measured stress, sex, vices and health practices.

Smoke and drink

The study also found that Ilonggos smoke both traditional and e-cigarettes and consume liquor the most among Visayans.

Of the 75 Ilonggo respondents, 61 drink beer and 30 smoke cigarettes.

Ilonggos smoke two sticks of cigarretes and drink two bottles of alcohol a day. IMT