In support of the ongoing campaign against the dreaded coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Palm Concepcion Power Corporation (PCPC), owner of the 135-MW CFBC Power Plant in Concepcion town, Iloilo, distributed reusable face masks to local government employees and frontliners in its host town.

The 1,000 reusable masks distributed were produced by a women’s group in Barangay Polopiña. The women’s group is composed of the wives of fishermen in the village.

“This gesture may be small, but we believe that its impact is significant in our continuing effort to help the people in (of Concepcion) in their fight against the virus,” said PCPC Vice President for Corporate Services Anna Lynn Derpo.

Derpo added that they chose to source the products locally as a small way of supporting the livelihood in the community where their power plant resides.

During the peak of the pandemic in April, PCPC initiated an eight-week food assistance for frontliners and the 25 barangay kitchens feeding senior citizens in Concepcion. The power plant also donated protective personal equipment, surgical masks, gloves, and alcohol, among other items, to those in the frontline and communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo: LGU employees of Barangay Loong in Concepcion, Iloilo are among the recipients of the distributed reusable masks.