Today, March 18, the islands of Panay and Romblon celebrate the 76th anniversary of their liberation from the domination of Japanese Imperial Forces during World War II.

Proclamation No. 430, which was issued in 1989 by then president Corazon Aquino, declared the 18th day of March of every year as Victory Day in the two islands.

“March 18, 1945 is of great historical and sentimental significance to both the veterans and the people of Panay and Romblon because it was the day when the [Sixth Military District] launched the final assault on the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces,” the proclamation stated.

The 6th Military District, otherwise known as the Free Panay Guerilla Forces, was “composed of the officers and men of the 61st Division Philippine Army, who preferred continuing the fight than surrendering after the fall of Bataan.”

“Together with other units of the United States Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) and civilian volunteers from all walks of life such as lawyers, doctors, engineers, nurses, teachers, fishermen, farmers and students,” the guerilla forces, under the command of General Macario Peralta, harassed, sabotaged and decimated the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in the islands of Panay and Romblon throughout World War II in the name of country, freedom and democracy.”

March 18 was also proclaimed by Malacañang as non-working special day in the whole Panay, which is composed of Iloilo province, Iloilo City, Aklan, Capiz, and Antique.

Guimaras was included in the celebration because it was part of Iloilo province in 1989.IMT

Photo from Old Iloilo Facebook Group