Filipino boxing legend Manny Pacquiao has not made a decision on his boxing career yet, his camp said on Monday, Sept. 20.

In an interview with Toni Gonzaga on Toni Talks, the eight-division world boxing champion said that his boxing career is “already over.”

“Kasi, matagal na rin ako sa pagbo-boxing, at ‘yung pamilya ko, laging nagsasabi, tama na. Nagtuloy-tuloy lang ako kasi passionate ako dito sa sport na ‘to. Magsu-support na lang ako ng mga boksingero para magkaroon tayo ng champion ulit,” he told Gonzaga.

However, one of Pacquiao’s aides, claimed that the boxing icon “has made no decision on boxing career yet.”

“The Senator is a presidential candidate and has made no decision on boxing career yet. He will in the next few weeks will make a final decision whether to have one more or retire,” said MP Promotions president Sean Gibbons in an interview with Kevin Iole of Yahoo Sportsks.

He also explained that the final decision will come from Pacman’s official channel.

“When (Manny) does make a decision whether to have one more fight or whether to retire, the announcement will come through official channels from the Senator himself,” he added.

The 42-year-old senator is now focusing to his presidential bid in the 2022 national elections. Despite focusing on his new path, Pacquiao said he will still support local boxers, hoping to produce champions under his MP Promotions.IMT Sports