“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” – Benjamin Franklin

I’m ashamed of the quality of senators participating in the Senate hearing on ABS-CBN compliance with franchise terms and conditions.

They lacked reliability and profundity and couldn’t accurately hit the nail right.

It’s so frustrating and irritating to think how these morons were able to become senators.

They are clearly nincompoops and their views are obviously subservient only to the interest of the president.

We missed the likes of the late senators Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel, and Raul Roco, among other brilliant legislators we can always be proud of.

The ABS-CBN Senate hearing is a very important subject matter where there is a gathering of the best and sharpest minds from all the stakeholders to tackle a myriad of technical, legal, economic issues on top of the debate whether there is a need to extend the giant media firm’s franchise, which will expire on March 30, for another 25 years.

These issues should have been best addressed and tackled intelligently if we have quality senators who don’t read and recite their prepared speeches which actually have no substance and accuracy.


As a media practitioner, I am basically against any form of censorship or attempt to stifle the freedom of the press and expression.

“Stopping” the operation of any media entity—newspaper and magazine, radio station, TV —in whatever form is a clear act of assault against the rights of free press and expression.

Especially if the act of attrition comes from the government.

It becomes uglier, strikes a big blow, and sends a chilling effect in the heart and soul of democracy.

We have the Constitution that prevents congress to make any laws that limit the freedom of the press.

The charter’s primary goal for the press is to prevent the government from censoring it.

Under these circumstances, censorship often means preventing the press from publishing information in the first place, though this can also mean punishing news organizations after they have published or broadcast (or even failed to broadcast a political advertisement) a story.

Censorship of the press before a story is published in print, broadcast on television, radio or the internet is called “prior restraint,” and the Supreme Court has ruled that it was unconstitutional.


Let’s not forget these two substances: Resveratrol and rapamycin. Scientists have recently discovered that these two compounds are anti-aging drugs. Resveratrol is found in grapes, red wine and peanuts.


According to LabReport, many of the babies born in 2000 might live until 150! Danish scientist Kaare Christensen and his colleagues have circulated a projection that assumes longevity improvements will continue at their current pace. In that model, more than half the children in the developed world will be around for their 100th birthday.

(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two local dailies in Iloilo)