As the fads and trends outpaced the natural changes on earth and created social and cultural shifts, the COVID-19 pandemic has so shocked the world and forced a new normal way beyond from what anybody could have imagined.

As the death toll rises around the world and the rest awaits the vaccine, social distancing has become a requirement among people in order to prevent the transfer of the virus from one to another. Coupled with the mandatory wearing of face masks to which people are not educated that such protective tool when recycled and not used properly can become deadlier than not wearing one, social distancing has little by little impacted on the social lives of communities and relationships among individuals. 

Festivals which has brought economic values to people are suspended. Even religious gatherings are limited. 

Borders around the world are closed. Locally, because of border restrictions, people are prevented from visiting their families. Burials, which used to be an opportunity for people to reunite, have become a lot more depressing as people are prevented from attending such. Visiting a sick relative in one place has become a real ordeal. 

Businesses are closing and jobs are lost. Meetings and business transactions are now online. Families are getting hungry. 

The world has changed overnight. Shaking hands, embracing and kissing people are now prohibited. 

It’s the new normal and meantime, in China where the virus originated, people have started going back to their old ways of living.