As the cock of the cockerel breaks the dawn, he slowly opens his eyes and get on bed to start his day’s routine. He needs to start early just to take advantage of the cool breeze and avoid the surging heat of the sun as it slowly goes up. Every farmer has mastered every minute of the day and exploited it just to make sure that he has accomplished something for his plants and animals. 

I would like to reflect on this scenario relating this to our respective duties and responsibilities contemplating on our corporate slogan we serve what farmers’ deserve. Although we are on a different scenario, let us focus on the value of time which we are bound to give to our farmer clientele. The service which are expected from us is really worth offering for them.

We did not have to woke up early in the morning because our call-time start at eight oçlock in the morning. We have airconditioned rooms to comfort us from the blistering heat of the sun. We have stoned walls and roofing to protect us from rains and we have computers to work on as we deliver our services for them.

We have internet connections to interact with people worldwide and stay connected with the rest of our social media friends as we perform our respective duties. We should see to it that this multi-tasking routine does not peril the very purpose that we are staying in our respective offices. We cannot deny that sometimes more time were spent on social media or other humdrum activities than accomplishing deliverables for our dear farmers. 

We clearly knew the plight of our farmers these past days. Issues on high production cost, low prices of their produce, pests and diseases plague their commodities and natural calamities. They have no one to rely on but to our department, to us within the agency and partner agencies. And they are expecting from us which they believe could alleviate them from their present situation.

Maybe we have overlooked their presence because we have not gone on the places they used to be. We used to visit places which provides us our instant needs – foods, recreation and connections. We go to places just to satisfy our egocentric behavior and appreciate only what is best for us. Yes, we forgot that behind those beautiful things we had, there is a farmer far away in the middle of the field trying his best just to ensure that all of us do not get starve f or a minute.

It is now time for us to realize the value of every minute of our lives, of our being in our comfort zones, of our being connected, of our being in our respective places. Offering every minute being in our offices performing our respective tasks for our farmers. Sharing every minute we have for education, updates and demonstration of technologies for them. Ensuring every minute we have that we impart to them all our knowledge, experiences and learnings for the betterment of the agricultural sector. And giving every minute we have to further inspire, motivate and bring hope that they may continue to produce for us all.
As we hear the cockerel cocks his last before the sun sets today and set his head under his wings for a sleep, we can say that indeed we did not waste every minute of the day for the glory of our farmers. We have done our part and have done our best of what every farmer expects us to do. In this way, we can surely freeze a smile on our face and call it a day.