There will be no provincial lockdown in Antique even if it has been reclassified into Alert Level 3 due to rising cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

“Governor Rhodora Cadiao is not in favor of implementing a provincial lockdown because of the economy,” said Antique Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) action officer Margie Gadian.

Gadian made the statement after attending an executive meeting to clarify queries on possible lockdown since the province is now under Alert Level 3.

She said the governor would like to strike a balance between addressing the health concern and the economy as many people may be affected and will find it difficult to report to their workplaces if there is a provincial lockdown.

However, the Provincial IATF recommended that the curfew hours from midnight to 4 a.m. will remain.

“For municipalities that will be celebrating their religious fiestas, if these could be postponed or that households will only limit their celebrations within their immediate family members,” Gadian said.

She added that resort or restaurant owners should also ensure guests are fully vaccinated, have prior reservations, and they can only accommodate 30 percent of their capacity.

A new executive order is expected to be signed by the governor on Saturday.

Antique Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) Health Officer 1 Dr. Leoncio Abiera, Jr., meantime, continued to appeal for people to observe the minimum health standard.

“Please continue on wearing your face mask and practicing safe physical distancing,” he said.

The province of Antique, as of the latest data of the IPHO on January 13, has 288 active cases out of the 6,428 total confirmed cases, 5,851 total recoveries, and 289 deaths.PNA