The construction of the P189.53-billion Panay-Guimaras-Negros (PGN) bridge is expected to start in 2025.

The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA-6) said the actual construction will commence “once the detailed engineering design (DED) [of the bridge project] is completed on schedule.”

Also, its “approval for the funding and implementation by the Investment Coordination Committee (ICC) and the NEDA Board” is needed first.

NEDA-6 made the clarification after several media outlets reported that the bridge will be constructed soon.

As the project’s implementing agency, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) started the bidding process for its DED with the submission and receipt of proposals scheduled in February 2023 and the Notice to Proceed in May this year.

The duration of DED preparation is 18 months.

According to NEDA-6, the project received all the required endorsements of the provincial, municipal and city councils of all affected areas.

Consequently, the Regional Development Council 6 passed Resolution No. 33 -2022, endorsing the funding and implementation of the project during its 2022 3rd Quarter Full Council Meeting last Oct. 13, 2022 in Bacolod City.

The proposed PGN bridge is one of the priority projects under the Build, Build, Build Program of former president Rodrigo R. Duterte.

It covers an entire route of 32.47 kilometers (km), composed of two sections: Section A (13 km Panay-Guimaras) and Section B (19.47 km Guimaras-Negros).IMT