To help the province of Guimaras boost its tourism industry, the Department of Tourism (DOT-6) said it will implement more programs and activities this year in partnership with the provincial government.

Tourism in island province has been greatly affected by the sea tragedy in August last year. A total of 31 passengers died after three pumpboats capsized in Iloilo-Guimaras Strait.

“I believe this is the best time to upgrade and improve the quality of services and facilities in Guimaras. It is also the best time to show the cooperation of each sector, public and private in helping one another rise from this unfortunate incident,” said DOT-6 Director Atty. Helen J. Catalbas.

“Let’s make this as a platform to offer more and give better experience to our tourists. Let’s give them reasons why Guimaras is theo lace to be,” she added.

Almost two months after the deadly incident, the DOT-6 held a soft launch of Oplan #LoveGuimaras Assistance Package or (OLAP).

Among the activities carried out by the DOT-6 under OLAP were the distribution of 415 colorful umbrellas to boat associations of Jordan and Buenavista and trainings for Guimaras tourism frontliners.

The tourism department is planning conduct the grand launch of OLAP next month which will kick off with a series of activities leading to the Manggahan Festival in May.IMT

Photo of Guisi Beach by Ivor Madrigal