Iloilo City’s modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) status has been extended by the National Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) until September 30.

Prior to the announcement of quarantine status on Monday, Sept. 6, Mayor Jerry P. Treñas said he met with the business sector and discussed some plans in anticipation to the possible extension of MECQ in the metropolis.

According to the mayor, the Philippine Chamber of Commerce Inc. (PCCI), Iloilo Economic Development Foundation (ILED) Inc., Iloilo Business Club, malls operators and other associations supported the MECQ extension subject to certain conditions.

Treñas said business owners have signified to submit safety seal applications to get another 10 percentage points added to their allowable capacities.

The additional capacity means more customers can be accommodated in an establishment and more workers employed.

Spas, gyms and personal care businesses with safety seal certifications will be allowed to reopen subject to certain conditions and limited capacities.

“While we are facing a surge of cases we are trying to balance it with our economy so that more jobs can be allowed and the we can slowly revive the economy,” said Treñas.IMT