The proposal to divide Iloilo City into two legislative districts is “long overdue,” according to Mayor Jerry P. Treñas.

House Bill (HB) 3074 or An Act Reapportioning the Lone Legislative District and the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Iloilo was re-filed by Representative Julienne “Jamjam” Baronda, Treñas’ predecessor.

“It’s about time. You know we have been qualified for a long time already. It’s about time that we get more representations,” said Treñas.

The former congressman first filed the bill in 2010. He filed the measure again in 2016.

In 2008, a similar bill was filed by former Representative Raul Gonzalez Jr.

Under HB 3074, the First Legislative Distrist will be composed of Jaro, La Paz, and Mandurriao while the Second Legislative District will be composed of City Proper, Molo, Arevalo and Lapuz.

Baronda said the creation of the new legislative district is “necessary.”

“An additional representative for the Ilonggos would mean an enhanced representation of their interest thereby ensuring the immediate delivery of public services to them,” she said.

“This way, the district representative will be more efficient in attending to the concerns of his/her now fewer constituents,” the neophyte lawmaker added.

The move, Baronda said, would also “mean a significant boost of the national government support in favor of Iloilo City.”IMT