Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA-6) Director Jeffrey Bangsa has apologized for the confusion caused by their order prohibiting modernized boats from carrying bicycles from Iloilo to Guimaras and vice versa.

The newly installed director met with Guimaras Governor JC Rahman Nava, Vice Governor John Edward Gando, and other local government officials of the island province on Monday, Sept. 26.

He was joined by Philippine Coast Guard Guimaras Commander Krizandra Angeline Anico and acting Iloilo Coast Guard Station Commander Paterno B. Belarmino Jr.

Bangsa said he imposed the ban after a teacher complained the loading of bicycles on the boats without the benefit of consulting the local government of Guimaras.

The director did failed to identify the complainant when pressed.

Nava lamented the non-coordination of MARINA-6 with his office and the timing of the order of Bangsa since Guimaras is holding its first Dragon Fruit Fest on September 29.

Earlier, Bangsa met with City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas after the latter requested him to explain the bicycle ban.

“They clarified that they did not release an order. They also shared that they will accept the loading of bikes and make sure to secure the area that will be open emergency access ways,” he said

“I express my disappointment in the non-consultation with the local authorities and hope that these things could be avoided,” the mayor added.IMT