Department of Tourism (DOT-6) Regional Director Cristine Mansinares has been removed from her post.

In an official statement, Mansinares thanked those who supported her in her role as head of the tourism department’s office in Western Visayas.

“I have given the instructions to the DOT Region VI staff for the composition of a Transition Committee to plan for a smooth turnover of the Office of the Regional Director,” she said.

According to Mansinares, she has yet to receive “instructions from higher authorities relative to the exact date of turnover of responsibilities,.”

“I wish my successor well as she embarks on a journey of leading the tourism sector of Western Visayas,” she said.

Mansinares will be replaced by Crisanta Marlene P. Rodriguez, former regional executive director of the Department of Environment and National Resources (DENR) in Region IX.IMT