An official of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in Western Visayas was relieved from his post for allegedly committing a traffic violation.

LTO chief assistant secretary Edgar Galvante ordered the relief of engineer Arturo Apolinar, an assistant to LTO-6 regional director, after Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Arthur Tugade endorsed to him the complaint of Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas.

“I denounce government officials who do not follow traffic signs. Most especially if they work with the LTO which is called upon to execute national laws on traffic,” said Treñas.

“This ARD of LTO has been caught beating the red light 4 times. He believes he is beyond the law. LTO is supposed to implement traffic rules and regulations,” he added.

Apolinar allegedly beat the red light on EL-98 Street in Jaro district on Monday, Oct. 25.

He and was flagged down by the traffic enforcers but he refused to stop, thus, he was chased up to their regional office in Alta Tierra, Jaro.

Office Order No 2021-294, issued by Galvante agaismt Apolinar, was dated Oct. 26.

“In the best interest of the service, Mr. Arturo R. Apolinar, Director 1, LTO Region VI, Iloilo City, is hereby relieved of his present duties and responsibilities and order to clear himself to present accountabilities, effective immediately,” the order stated.

Meanwhile, LTO-6 assistant regional director Gaudioso Geduspan, they will still conduct an investigation once they received a formal complaint from the Iloilo City Government.

“Thank you Sec Art Tugade and Gen. Galvante for your prompt action against someone who in his mind is beyond the law,” he said.

Treñas earlier said the city will file the necessary cases in the proper court or agency to protect the integrity of the Public Safety and Transportation Management Office (PSTMO).

He also called on LTO-6 regional director Eric Tabaldo to impose the necessary disciplinary action on Apolinar.

“The LTO and DOTr must discipline the ARD who refuses to follow traffic rules, and reassign him to a place that is fitting for him. Abusador,” he said as he described Apolinar as “abusador.”IMT