Islas de Gigantes or Gigantes Islands in the town of Carles, Iloilo has been chosen as among the top local sites for “revenge travel” this 2023.

The sites included in the list were recommended by travel experts and influencers as published by the Philippine Star’s Life magazine.

Gigantes is an island chain consisting of 13 islands and islets with pristine beaches and beautiful rock formations. It takes less than four hours to get there from Iloilo City.

“Exploring this group of islets is more than just the usual island-hopping trip. You get to experience pristine beaches and also some awesome lagoons and rock formations. Visiting the mystical Tangke Lagoon is a must!” said Jonathan Espiña of Jon to the World.

“If you have enough time, I highly recommend staying overnight because you’d have a chance to experience authentic island life in a local fishing village. Plus, the food is delicious, especially the unlimited scallops,” he added.

Danjugan Island, Negros Occidental is also in the list. It was recommended by travel journalist and photographer Edgar Alan Zeta-Yap of EAZY Traveler.

“Supertyphoon Odette (Rai) may have toppled the iconic dungon tree where sea eagles nest at Danjugan Island in southern Negros, but the graceful raptors continue to breed and thrive here—a testament to the resilience of this exceptional wildlife sanctuary,” Yap said.

“This ecotourism gem offers day tours and overnight stays at laid-back beach camps. It’s a wonderful place to commune with nature and spot birds, bats, and other wildlife from rainforest to reef,” he further said.

Other sites in the list are Eastern Visayas, the Camotes Islands in Cebu province, Balabac in Palawan and the provinces of Davao and Bukidnon.IMT