The province of Iloilo recorded one new case of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the first day of the modified general commumity quarantine (MGCQ) period, June 1.

The patient, tagged as Western Visayas Patient No. 114, is a 55-year-old male from the town of Igbaras. 

He is the town’s first COVID-19 patient.

According to Dr. Jessie Glenn Alonsabe, DOH-6 regional epidemiologist, the patient’s history of travel and exposure is still being established. 

“He is asymptomatic so most probably nakahome quarantine ini sya now,” he said in a virtual press conference on Monday afternoon.

The province, so far, has 21 confirmed COVID19 cases, including 15 recoveries and four deaths.

Iloilo and the rest of areas in Western Visayas are under MGCQ until June 15.IMT

Photo of Igbaras’ public plaza by Bert E PhoVid