Iloilo City has remained “intact” and “resilient” amid the challenges brought by the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), according to Mayor Jerry Treñas.

During his second State of the City Address (SOCA) yesterday, July 24, Treñas cited the “unwavering brand of bayanihan spirit” of Ilonggos and the support of “all sectors” as the major factors that keep the city strong.

“Everything was indeed in place leading towards a more thriving economy, until COVID-19 pandemic happened,” he said.

“The first two quarters of 2020 have been significantly different from the perfect vision we were all aiming to see. This has brought the economy to a near-standstill because of the restrictions imposed to contain the virus,” Treñas further said.

The mayor flaunted COVID-19 initiatives undertaken by the city government.

Treñas said: “USWAG Community Kitchens, USWAG Kitchen Patrol, USWAG Dorm, USWAG Rolling Store, Ilonggo Pandesal, Ilonggo Artists Against COVID-19, USWAG Sewers, USWAG Bike Sharing, Iloilo United Volunteers, Mass Testing, and the donations from compassionate Ilonggo businessmen, played a crucial role in our fight against the dreaded disease.”

“In light of the recent grow in number of COVID-19 patients in our city, the Iloilo City testing laboratory in Molo district is also in the works. We hope to have this done as soon as possible so we can have faster swab results, and eventually contain the virus, because this facility will truly boost the capacity to manage cases,” he added.

These initiatives, according to the mayor, “speak volumes about how Ilonggos are resilient”

Treñas appealed for continued cooperation of everyone.

“Let us not jeopardize all the efforts of our local government unit with our negligence or egoistic reasons. Instead, we all need to band together to shoulder the responsibility of overcoming COVID-19 pandemic, and bringing the whole city through this challenging time,” he said.

“As natural and human-caused hazards can result in significant damage and disruption to communities, the current situation calls for our ability to adapt to the situation because we do not want all our efforts to be put to waste,” Treñas added.

The mayor assured that the city government is on top of the situation.

“As long as I am here, as your father, as long as you have your trust in me, as long as you continue to do your own little share, Iloilo City will be safe,” he said

“I believe that we will all get through this.Together. As one people,” Treñas stressed.IMT

Photo by Arnold Almacen