Iloilo City recorded 43 deaths related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from January to May 12 this year.

The figure, according to  the City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU), was far cry from one fatality logged from March (start of the pandemic) to May last year.

Based on the May 12 bulletin issued by the Department of Health (DOH), the city posted a mortality rate of 2.46 percent, higher than the 1.6 percent national rate.

Twenty-eight of the deaths this year were directly caused by COVID-19.

There were 11 who died due to comorbidities and also contracted the deadly disease.

Four were recorded for verification pending the release of their death certificates.

Mayor Jerry Treñas urged Ilonggos to adhere to COVID-19 preventive measures to protect themselves, their families, co-workers, and the public against the disease.

“There’s an urgent need to be vigilant and not complacent. Isolate when you feel sick. Report to barangay officials those with symptoms. Seek early medical attention if not feeling well,” he said.

The city, which is currently under modified general community quarantine (MGCQ), registered 6,481 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of May 12, of which 5,653 have recovered, 188 have died, and 639 are active cases.IMT (with a report from Iloilo City PIO)