Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas is pushing for putting up soon of a multi-purpose parking building adjacent to City Hall.

He already met with the finance committee to discuss budgetary requirements of the project.

“We want to fasttrack the establishment of a Legislative Building. It will be a seven-storey structure. The first floor will host city offices so that it will be easier for the public to transact business,” Treñas said.

“The second to fifth floors will be designated as parking spaces. The area can accommodate 25 cars per floor or a total of 100 cars for four floors. We hope it will address parking needs of City Hall,” he added.

The proposed parking facility will be constructed beside Ker and Co. heritage building situated behind City Hall.

Treñas said the two floors will host the City Council for them to have bigger offices, noting the limited space when he took rounds of councilors’ offices located at sixth floor of City Hall.

Multi-level parking building is considered as solution to lack of parking spaces in congested centers, especially City Hall, where the transacting public converge.PR/Iloilo City PIA