Mayor Jerry P. Treñas signed Executive Order 57 providing for cost cutting, saving measures and system improvement of the Iloilo City Government.

The EO adopts Resolution No. 4-2022 released by the Resource Employees Association of City Hall (REACH), a duly recognized employees association of the city government.

Treñas underscored the need to adopt the resolution for compliance for employees of all offices in order to cause considerable savings in the city government’s operating expenses for the entire year of 2022.

In order to effectively carry out services for the llonggos, all offices must be operating at a high level, according to the mayor.

“The operation of these offices at a high level may prove to be costly energy-wise and may be deemed impractical,” Treñas said.

The EO sets the following guidelines to effectively follow cost cutting, saving measures, and system improvement:

  • There shall be no filling up of unnecessary vacant positions unless there is a dire need to do so.
  • Travels of city officials and employees which are not beneficial to office work or to the improvement of the Iloilo City Government, is strictly discouraged. Meantime, travels or seminars may only be permitted if they are mandated, directly related to office works or can be justified that the same contributes for the betterment of the employees in relation to his functions or positions in the Iloilo City Government.
  • Unnecessary use of office equipment and facilities, such as but not limited to, the use of computers, air conditioners, and government vehicles are strictly discouraged in order to reduce the maintenance cost. When not in use, the air conditioners and office lights shall turned off. The use of air conditioners is only allowed from 9 o’clock in the morning until 4 o’clock in the afternoon at 24 degrees Celsius.
  • There shall be a strict observance and enforcement of the office policies on punctuality and efficiency of personnel.
  • The utilization of labor, power, water, supplies and materials shall also be managed properly and maximized to its full usage. Recycling shall be observed, if possible.
  • All concerned personnel shall ensure the improvement and the implementation of the Executive Order. They are likewise encouraged to find means to improve and/or to intensify the submission of revenue collection progress reports.
  • The gas allowance provided for by the Iloilo City Government shall be reduced 10 percent.
  • Vehicles providing for Libreng Sakay for free transportation shall cease to operate.