Iloilo City received a special citation as this year’s Most Business-Friendly Highly Urbanized City (HUC) outside Metro Manila.
The citation was awarded by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the country’s largest business organization, during the virtual closing ceremony of the 46th Philippine Business Conference and Expo on Thursday, Oct. 8.
“I am happy to share to the Ilonggos that even in the midst of this pandemic, Iloilo City was again awarded a citation from PCCI,” Mayor Jerry Trenas said in a statement.
Last year, the city took home the Most Business-Friendly HUC outside Metro Manila award.
“This pandemic may be an obstacle for my dreams and aspiration for our beloved city but it won’t stop me for doing my best in serving my fellow Ilonggos,” Trenas said.
“And I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of the Ilonggos and the business sector,” he added.
In Iloilo province, the towns of Mina and Concepcion emerged winners in the competition.
Mina was named as the 2020 Most Business-Friendly Local Government Unit (LGU) in the Municipality Level (3rd-5th Classes) while Concepcion received a special citation in the same category.
PCCI-Iloilo Chapter was also given a special recognition for its regional response to the COVID-19 pandemic.IMT

Photo by Arnold Almacen