The illegal drug trade in the province of Iloilo slowed down, according to the Philippine National Police’s (PNP) provincial office.

Police Colonel Adrian Acollador, Iloilo Police Provincial Office (IPPO) director, said the aggressive operations of their drug enforcement units and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) restricted the flow of illegal drugs in communities.

The operations resulted in the arrest of hundreds of suspects and the confiscation of illegal drugs worth millions of pesos.

In the first five months of the year, a total of 36 drug personalities were arrested, data from IPPO’s Provincial Operations and Management Unit (POMU) showed.

The number was way lower compared to 629 drug personalities neutralized in the same period in 2016.

IPPO also intensified its internal cleansing program to eliminate police scalawags, especially those involved in illegal drug activities, from the police force.

Despite the slowdown, Acollador assured that all police stations in the province will sustain their efforts against illegal drugs.IMT