The Iloilo Electric Cooperative (ILECO III) has been named Most Outstanding Electric Cooperative (EC) in the Philippines by the National Electrification Administration (NEA).

Lawyer James Balsomo II, ILECO III general manager, personally received the recognition during the 2023 Golden Dagitab Awards ceremony in Pasay City, Manila on Aug. 11.

“We are less than perfect but our Almighty Father has greatly blessed us to do better and continue to be a better electric cooperative in all aspects of our operation all for the best interest and benefit of our member-consumer-owners (MCOs),” said Balsomo.

Organized by NEA, the Golden Dagitab Awards recognizes ECs with exemplary performances in various categories. Currently, 121 ECs are operating in the country.

All in all, ILECO III received 22 awards from NEA and the Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (PHILRECA).

It’s NEA awards include Rural Electrification Program Distinction, EC with Advance Loan Amortization Payment to NEA, EC with Fully Liquidated Subsidy Fund, EC with Exceptional Corporate and Community Programs, EC with ISO Certification, Best in Collection Efficiency, Single Digit System Loss, Top Performing EC, and Most Outstanding EC.

The power cooperative’s PHILRECA awards are MCO Champion Award, Occupational Safety and Health Excellence Award, Outstanding Performance Award, Outstanding Radio Program Excellence Award, State of the Art Workplace Award, Strong Commitment to Brotherhood Award, Bright Beginning Award, EC Prime Mover Award, Information Empowerment Catalyst Award, MCO Prime Participation Award, Platinum Stellar Award and Quality Innovator Award.

Balsomo said they still have “a lot to improve on and they are working hard to finish the task of transforming ILECO III into a far better, far modern and more effective electric cooperative to serve the best interest and benefit of their MCOs.”

“We are humbly accepting these awards all in the name of our MCOs and as a symbol of our commitment to make our Electric Cooperative to be what they wanted it to be – one of the best in the country despite the natural challenges of rural electrification,” he further said.IMT