When the pandemic hit in 2020, my youngest child who was then in fourth grade was enrolled in a private school, in fact has been entering private learning institutions since she was three. Because we considered the health safety of our children as the most priority, we opted to transfer her in the nearest barangay school which was on modular modality, while she was continuously taking advanced classes in primary subjects through our tutorial company to dodge education gap while the schools were on hold.

For two years, she was constantly studying through printed materials with daily online tutoring and eventually qualified at the Special Program for Science Technology and Engineering at Miagao National High School and at the Business and Entrepreneurship, a five-year-old special program at Iloilo National High School, the first of its kind in The Philippines, which was first established as online in 2019. We let her choose through our guidance which school to go to and she preferred the latter. During her time, it was converted to blended learning (online and face to face) when education was strategically advised to go back to normal.

That same school year 2022-2023, I was elected at the PTA President of the program. Since SPBE started online, there were no permanent classrooms designated for about 200 learners. As a solution, the administration under the lead of Dr. Sherry H. Tampani, Assistant Principal II for Academics of I.N.H.S. and the Mother of SPBE designated four rooms near the Social Hall for the learners. For a year, the kids only wore a fuchsia pink polo as uniform and the school with the assistance of the PTA can only address the basic necessities of the learners such as water, electric fans, stable internet modem and connection and well-lighted classrooms as enhancement project was not allowed because we were only borrowing the space.

This S.Y. 2023-2024, a huge transformation has been implemented. The SPBE changed to full face to face and was granted to temporarily utilize the abandoned Science Centrum, an open space symposium facility with a mezzanine. The teachers and the PTA worked things out during the short school break by clearing the fully occupied area and provide improvised tables, chairs, class divisions, customized whiteboard, and functional toilets to address the call of the parents like “When can we have our own building or that when can we help make the kids’ learning environment more comfortable and conducive? “The teachers who also deserved a school break, did not even get to rest once just to make sure the program is prepared for the new school year.

“Why Not? Because it is the obligation of the school to provide our kids the proper classrooms?” Well, true as some parents’ claim seems, we should also take into consideration that we are in a public school and that the government fund is clearly insufficient to build additional classrooms, despite the talks and steps to provide one. In fact, the reason why there are high expectations on the administration is that a huge number of students of the Province of Iloilo dream to belong to Iloilo National High School special programs and that many if not most, came from middle class families, whose parents can actually afford to send their children to private schools. Although we have freedom to choose schools, we also have to openly accept that not all expectations are met in public schools, thus, with our resources we should be wise enough to contribute to the improvement of the school facilities, when in the past years, we were generous in paying high tuition fees? With our choice of bringing our children at INHS despite our so many school options in the province, we conscientiously agree that we are after the best quality education services which INHS can undoubtedly provide.

Personally witnessing how the SPBE teachers and administration have worked beyond their might and limitations, like they have become janitors, construction workers, electricians, plumbers, or engineers, aside from being experts in Sciences, Mathematics, Language & Entrepreneurship, I believe that the program is more than capable to practically train and bridge the students towards their dreams, may it be in sciences, technology, engineering, agriculture, philosophy and medicine. Through the steadfastness of Dr. Tampani, SPBE will once again be a model program, and an inspiration to other provincial schools in our country. Business and Entrepreneurship in early secondary phase will become the future trend in education, which I as an experienced entrepreneur, foresee, is one of the best learning preparations, considering that businesses, micro or macro, have a significant contribution in the government fund towards nation building.

As in the old quote, “It takes two to tango.” We parents, are encouraged to work hand in hand with the teachers and the school in providing our kids’ necessary learning and training tools. Although help is only conceived as voluntary at public schools, we do admit that help is highly needed, and that help voluntarily given is highly appreciated by not just the administration and the teachers for they are only instruments, but our children who will be very proud of our presence and initiatives. For when we reason out the idea of “voluntary,” it is like saying, we are waiting for those in government power to rise above our expectations or the current education system adversities and for heaven’s sake, “Truly, when?”

As of time being, let us be grateful to the inventiveness of our public school teachers. Personally, I dare tribute, “ Hats off to all teachers of Special Program in Business and Entrepreneurship” for your dedication, sincerity and one of a kind advocacy. Kudos, to all teachers of Iloilo National High School! Joyful Teacher’s Day to the second parents of our gems!