The island-province of Guimaras has been classified as a high-risk area for the coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) by the Department of Health (DOH-6).

According to Dr. Bea Camille Fillaro-Natalaray, DOH-6’s Non-Communicable Disease Sector head, Guimaras recorded an average daily attack rate of 1.24 percent (per 100,000 population) in the recent 1-2 weeks, higher than the 0.96 percent in the previous 3-4 weeks.

The province also posted a case growth rate of 420 percent in the past 2 weeks against 3-4 weeks ago.

As of May 17, 2021, Guimaras logged a total of 444 confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 382 have recovered, 8 have died and 54 are considered active.

Meanwhile, the provinces of Aklan and Iloilo and Iloilo City are classified as moderate-risk areas while Antique, Capiz and Negros Occidental are low risk.

The entire Western Visayas region is classified as low risk.

On Tuesday, May 18, Governor Samuel Gumarin issued an executive order cancelling physical activities for this year’s Manggahan Festival due to the increasing number of infections in the Guimaras.IMT