Access to Isla de Gigantes Norte (North Gigantes Island) in Carles town, Iloilo is made easier and more convenient with the newly constructed concrete road on the island.

The construction the road is a convergence project of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Department of Tourism (DOT) under the Tourism Road Infrastructure Program (TRIP).

The P255-million road project was implemented by DPWH-6 and the Iloilo Third District Engineering Office (DEO) from 2016 to 2021 along the whole stretch of North Gigantes Island, traversing the barangays of Langub, Piagao and Asluman.

It involves the construction of the 8.86-kilometer, 2-lane, 6.10-meter wide Portland Concrete Cement Pavement (PCCP) road with 1.5-meter shoulder on both sides, including provision of slope protection.

“As tourists (both local and foreign) flock this famous “Isla de Gigantes”, we need to improve our road condition to provide an accessible, safer, easier and more convenient transport system going around the island,” said DPWH-6 Regional Director Nerie D. Bueno.

“With this better road condition, we can attract more tourists, traders and investors, which means creating more job and livelihood opportunities that could eventually help improve the economic condition of the residents,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Iloilo Third DEO requested another P8 million from the agency’s 2023 budget for additional amenities along the road.

“To make this road usable even at night, we have proposed to install solar street lights along the whole stretch of the road, to ensure safety of both residents and tourists, especially at night,” said Bueno.IMT