AAMBIS-OWA Party-list Representative Sharon S. Garin vehemently denied Mayor Jerry Treñas’ claim that she is against the construction of a new hospital in Iloilo City.

“I don’t object to the establishment of Iloilo City Hospital. The more hospitals, the better,” said Garin, who also serves as House deputy speaker.

“It should be voted in the affirmative by at least 150 of the 300 congressmen. I wish Congresswoman Baronda good luck in getting enough votes,” she added.

City Representative Julienne Baronda authors House Bill No. 10464, which seeks to establish the tertiary general hospital.

The proposed hospital, under the bill, “shall be under the direct control and supervision of the Iloilo City Government.”

According to Garin, she voted for the approval of the bill on second reading.

“Rest assured, she (Baronda) has my support for the good of Iloilo. We really do need more hospitals for Iloilo City and province,” said Garin.

On Monday, Dec. 6, Treñas blamed Garin for the delay in the passage of the bill.

“I cannot comprehend the reasons why she would still object to a hospital here in Iloilo City. We will not object if she will sponsor a hospital in her district since a hospital is always for the people as shown by this pandemic,” he said.

According to Treñas, Garin allegedly “requested by text that the bill be taken up next year.”

“Ina klaro na, siya nagpa-untat. Kay may text message to siya nga pauntaton na lang anay kuno kay next year na lang. Ay ano na man? Ano na siya ya man?” Treñas said.

In response, Garin said she has no idea about the text message.IMT