Fares on Jeepneys, buses, taxis, and transport network vehicle service (TNVS) are set to increase next month.

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) approved the fare increases on Friday, Sept. 16.

The hikes will take effect on October 4, or 15 days after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

The minimum fare for traditional and modern public utility jeepneys (PUJs) will increase by P1 for the first four kilometers.

“Upon the effectivity of the decision, the minimum fare for traditional PUJ will be P12, while for modern PUJ will be at P14,” the LTFRB said.

The fare for succeeding kilometers for traditional PUJs will rise to P1.80 from P1.50, and P2.20 from P1.80 per kilometer for modern PUJs.

For public utility buses (PUB), the LTFRB approved a P2 uniformed base fare hike for city and provincial buses for the first five kilometers and the succeeding kilometer fare increase of P0.35 to P0.50 depending on the type of bus – P13 for non-airconditioned city bus, P15 for airconditioned city bus, and P11 for non- airconditioned provincial bus.

The fare for succeeding kilometers will increase from P1.85 to P2.25 for ordinary PUBs, from P2.20 to P2.65 for airconditioned PUBs, and from P1.55 to P1.90 for provincial PUBs.

The flag-down rate or minimum fare of taxis and sedan-type TNVS will increase to P45; AUV/SUV (Asian utility vehicle/sport utility vehicle) TNVS to P55; and hatchback-type TNVS to P35.

The 20-percent discount for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and students will remain.IMT