While it is categorically right to say that the management and the personnel are far different by definition, in the context of a sensitive industry like the power industry allowing just the personnel to operate a power plant without the management is not only stupid but is reflective of the mindset of the one making the suggestion.

This is how Mr. Hector Teodosio, the legal counsel of MORE Power, would like the people of Iloilo City to believe and interpret the March 6, 2020 order of Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 23 Presiding Judge Emerald Requinto-Contreras ordering his client to return the operation of the five substations which they grabbed from Panay Electric Company (PECO) to the full management of the Cacho-owned power firm.

Having celebrated too early up to the point of announcing that they are ready to collect payments for the monthly billing of PECO’s clients, MORE Power and Mr. Teodosio were caught unprepared of the latest decision and more than unprepared to admit the fact that they have to return the operations to PECO and meantime learn somehow losing face to those whom they boasted their premature victory.

Judge Contreras simply reiterated an addendum to her order which MORE Power disregarded. Her latest decision only affirmed the fears of every Ilonggo that MORE Power is not at all ready to handle the power distribution of Iloilo City and allowing them to immediately take over the facilities of PECO would compromise the power supply for the city.

Needless to say, the movers behind MORE Power wanted to do the impossible and start earning without even thinking of the implications of their acts.

While the court has handed another decision, it remains to be seen if MORE Power will obey it as it has disregarded the addendum prior.

Of course, such acts of a newcomer only defines the kind of corporate culture and attitude its owners and managers have. Sadly, it is not PECO that is at the losing end of all these uncertainties but the consumers around Iloilo City.