As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Philippines increases, we are faced with a rise in numbers more fatal than the disease, the figures of social media experts who act like they know everything about the virus. As they say, little knowledge is dangerous and it’s creating panic among communities. 

Of course, worthy to mention is the weakness on the policy direction of the government in dealing with the virus. Of the several more than 100 million Filipinos, only 2000 testing kits are available despite the assurance of President Rodrigo Duterte that the government has a lot of money to face the COVID-19 emergency.

Such pronouncement of Duterte a month ago may have strengthened the confidence of Filipinos but weakened the preparations of the health department as they were left trying their best in tempering the truth about the scare and failing worst in the surveillance of the actual cases.

Almost overnight, the number has doubled and the most the health department can do is to announce the fast increasing figures while managing at the same time the confirmed cases.
While COVID-19 is a national health emergency, it is at the same time an economic issue that is fastly hitting on several industries.

Take for example Boracay which has gone to a negative level in terms of arrivals and the President has to set foot on its heavenly sands just to assure the public that it is all fine on the island only to preside a meeting that would eventually declare a state of national emergency due to the virus.

Adding more problem to the poor management of COVID-19 in the country is the unexplainable insistence of Duterte in allowing the Chinese to continuously come to the country and work in POGO establishments as if the virus was not discovered and started in China.

While several countries have taken severe lockdown policies especially towards China, Duterte has continuously assured the Chinese to come and work in the country. 

Classes are now suspended and people are discouraged from attending big gatherings. There are proposals that work should be brought home in order to avoid contact with other people. 

The least that the poor Filipinos can do meantime is to stay and live healthy. Prayers are necessary regardless of religion that the One above will protect his people. Afterall, with a very deplorable state of healthcare in the country, pray that it will not happen, the scene of death is on the horizon. It could be literal or economic.