COVID-19 has stressed the limits of people from practically all walks of life as it threatens death to those afflicted. It has become the modern day cross being loaded on the shoulders of everybody. 

For the first time, a lot of people have experienced what a lockdown is and are forced to live a life within the confines of their homes if only it will help stop the spread of virus. People without any business outside their homes are prohibited to roam around and quarantine passes are given so that movement is limited. 

Classes were suspended earlier than its schedule while several malls and stores decided to implement temporary closure. 

COVID-19 is a clear and present danger but at the same time showing the people what kind of leaders they have elected. It showed how President Rodrigo Duterte downplayed it and later asked Congress to grant him emergency powers in order to help him address the crisis. Many people were categorized patients under investigation (PUI), however, due to the limited test kits have remained untested but the members of the Senate, House of Representatives and the Cabinet of Duterte rushed to have themselves tested. It also allowed the Filipinos to see and appreciate how a young leader in the person of Pasig Mayor Vico Sotto can make a difference. 

People started pooling their resources together to help those who are in need. 

Unfortunately, the virus also showed how some Filipinos can become so selfish and ignorant even to the point of not telling the truth about their condition and history thus putting at risk the lives of those people attending to them. The same lack of discipline caused the hoarding of fask masks and alcohol supplies by several people. 

COVID-19 also showed the world how miserable is the state of health care in the country. While it is true that even the most modern countries are being threatened by the virus, the country’s state of health care has aggravated the manner as to how it responded to the challenges being posed by the virus. 

People suspecting of their condition go to medical facilities to be treated. Suddenly, those in the medical profession were put to test. Protective gears are unavailable with some resorting to the use of garbage bags. Eventually, those who were living away from their homes were discriminated. The front liners became under attack and the government cannot even provide them a decent place to rest as the community has started refusing them a place to rest for fear of contracting the virus. Thanks to the social media that local leaders were forced to find them places to temporarily stay and transportation facilities to use. 

Of course all these would never have happened or at least immediately mitigated had the leadership of the country addressed it at first instance instead of treating it casually. Now it’s too late. The number of infections are increasing. Pray not the death toll will no longer increase like what happened in Italy. 

Meantime, the least and the most people can rely on is the One above. All hopes are not lost, at least with a prayer each day, hanging on to another tomorrow that will come and all these troubles will just fade away.