President Rodrigo Duterte urged electric cooperatives, specifically in Iloilo, to allow big players to take over their operations if they could not provide efficient services to their consumers.

“Itong power shortage situation in the region, matagal na kasi iyong inirereklamo ng mga tao. Kaawa naman itong—Iloilo, ganoon din,” Duterte said during a public address in Puerto Princesa, Palawan on Nov. 4.

“What is the best solution dito? Kaya na ng kooperatiba?” the President asked Department of Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi.

According to Duterte, it is best for electric cooperatives that fail to meet energy demands to “just give to those who can do the job.”

“Iyong lumaki na gaya ng Iloilo, the cooperatives cannot keep up with progress… Energy must eternally expand. Otherwise, babagsak ang ekonomiya,” he said.

“Ipagbili na lang ninyo, maraming pumapasok eh. Talagang may pera saka may track record… Bigay talaga ninyo sa may pera and so that the community can flourish with energy,” Duterte added.

Last September, Representatives Braeden John Biron (Iloilo 4th District), Michael Gorriceta (Iloilo 2nd District) and Julienne Baronda (Iloilo City) filed a bill seeking to expand the franchise coverage of More Electric Power Corporation (MORE Power), Iloilo City’s sole power distributor, to towns in Iloilo province’s 2nd and 4th Districts.IMT