Reelected Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. has vowed to make the province of Iloilo “more progressive” in the next three years.

“We cannot make promises when we lay down the foundation of a new administration but we can give direction. And in giving direction I will give to you and I will say to you all MoReProgGRes,”Defensor said during his inaugural speech.

MoReProgGRes, which stands for a movement for a resurgent, progressive, globally competitive, and resilient Iloilo province, is the provincial government’s economic recovery program.

Defensor and other elected officials in the province took their oath before Senator Sonny Angara at the Iloilo Provincial Capitol on Thursday, June 28.

The governor appealed for everyone’s cooperation as the province continues to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.

Citing a report from the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Defensor said Iloilo’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decelerated by nine percent.

Specifically, MoReProgGRes aims to “increase investments and employment opportunities; attain food security by maximizing rice production and adding value to agricultural products; provide accessible health and social services to the Ilonggos; promote public safety and protect; and manage the resources and assets of the province.”

Defensor targets to expand the Iloilo International Airport in Cabatuan town and the Port of Dumangas with the help of national government agencies.

The expansion, according to Defensor, “will help link commerce, agriculture, and trade to growth areas and ports; improve the connectivity of national highways, provincial roads, and farm-to-market roads; and make the province more attractive to investors.”

He also mentioned the Jalaur River Multipurpose Project II (JRMP II) in Calinog, which is expected to irrigate more hectares of farms; provide water for domestic consumption and irrigation of electricity; and increase investments and employment opportunities.IMT