Mayor Jerry Treñas has welcomed the House of Representatives’ nod on the bill seeking to split Iloilo City into two legislative districts.

“I am always in support in projects that will help our residents. I welcome the bill to divide the city into two legislative districts as more projects, financial assistance, scholarships, and other services will be open for our fellow Ilonggos,” said Treñas.

The lower chamber on Tuesday, Feb. 2, approved on third and final reading House Bill 8477 or An Act Reapportioning the Lone Legislative District of the City of Iloilo.

The city, according to Treñas, “has already developed so much that we can accommodate another congressional district.”

The former congressman has been pushing for the creation of an additional district in the city since the 13th Congress.

Treñas first filed a similar bill in 2010. He filed the measure again in 2016 but failed to secure final approval.

House Bill 8477 is authored by Representative Julienne “Jamjam,” Baronda. It is co-authored by Representatives Michael Gorriceta, Raul Tupas, and Stephen Paduano.

Under the bill, the First Legislative District will be composed of Jaro, La Paz, and Mandurriao while the Second Legislative District will be comprised of City Proper, Molo, Arevalo, and Lapuz.

“Instead of one, there will be two representatives of our city in the House of Representatives if this becomes a law. This means we will have a louder voice in Congress, which lives up to the principle of proportional representation,” said Baronda.

“With two legislators, we can expect more projects and programs from the national government, a doubled effort to woo investors and more benefits for the people,” she added.

For the bill to finally become a law, the Senate needs to approve a counterpart measure.IMT